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My WordCamp Canada 2024 experience

I recently attended the first ever WordCamp Canada conference in Ottawa, Ontario, on July 12 and 13, 2024. This artilce will be an overview of my experience attending the conference.

SEO and Accessibility Tips for PDFs

PDFs can be useful as an additional, alternative content format that people can download for offline reading. When posting PDFs to the web, we can follow some best practices so that they are more easily crawled by search engines, and are accessible.

Drupal 7 end of life - migration options

Drupal 7 security support will officially end on 5 January 2025. We look at support options going forward for older Drupal 7 based sites.

Presentation on HTTPS requests

I gave a presentation at the Vancouver WordPress meetup in August 2018, about HTTPS and SSL, and why it is so important to use this secure protocol on your website.

Why you should use managed hosting for your website

Choosing a web hosting platform is probably one of the most important business decisions you will make. Your website is the centerpiece of your marketing – and you should treat it as such.

Resolving Composer dependency issues with Drupal updates

When working on a project that uses Composer to manage dependencies, you can sometimes run into conflicts - what is sometimes referred to as "dependency hell". In this article I'll run through the issues you may encounter during a composer update, and what can be done to resolve them.

A look at premium freelancing sites

I'm sure I'm not alone as a freelancer in having a hard time finding a steady stream of work from good clients. Having to wonder whether you'll have enough money to pay this month's bills is hard

Using the Slider Revolution plugin on Pantheon hosting

Slider Revoultion is a very popular plugin in the WordPress community for creating dynamic content sliders. The plugin has some issues when used on Pantheon's hosting, due to its non-standard file structure. In this article we'll look at how to get this properly working within your Pantheon environments.

WordCamp Vancouver - Do it in code!

I presented my talk, "Do it in code!", on creating custom plugins for site structure at WordCamp Vancouver on Saturday, August 27, 2016. Here are the slides, and all the resources and links I mentioned in the presentation.

WordCamp Vancouver wrap-up

This past Saturday marked a couple of firsts: I attended my first WordCamp, and I also gave my first talk at a tech conference. My WordCamp experience was amazing all around: the local WordPress community was extremely welcoming, and the sessions were informative and well presented.

WordPress plugin spotight: WP Pusher

WP Pusher is a new plugin for WordPress that allows you to install and update plugins or themes via an external Git repository. We'll take a look at this plugin and its advantages in a git development workflow.

How to natively install Apache, MySQL/MariaDB and PHP on Windows

Usually when doing PHP web development on Windows, the reccomended route is to use a virtual machine based solution such as Vagrant to run a true LAMP (Linux OS, Apache web server, MySQL or MariaDB database, and PHP) stack. Sometimes there are reasons why you might not want a virtualized sever, but a native Windows install, or WAMP. As we'll see in this tutorial, it is not all that difficult to get a native WAMP stack running.