Vote for Climate

Vote for Climate was an issue-based website that advocated strategic voting for ‘climate-friendly’ candidates during the 2008 Canadian federal election.

I helped implement the Flash and XML based riding selector map for this advocacy site, and also cleaned up the HTML/CSS templates to ensure style uniformity throughout the site. I also implemented form processing using PHP.

Note: the site is no longer live, but you can see a snapshot at the Internet Archive.

Department of National Defence / Canadian Forces website

From December 2004 to February 2008, I was responsible for web design and content management for official website of the Department of National Defence / Canadian Forces. During this time, I was involved with:

  • Converting website from table-based layout to standards-based design based on W3C guidelines
  • Designing web page templates, complying with government Common look and feel standards, and with web standards such as XHTML, CSS, and accessibility
  • Posting of news releases, backgrounders, feature stories, and other news to web site
  • Development of ASP based content management system for The Maple Leaf newspaper website
  • Produce weekly online version of DND/CF newspaper The Maple Leaf, adapting from print version
  • Advising on implementation of emerging web technology to continually improve ease of use and functionality of web site
  • Working with departmental clients to develop sub-sites, and to adapt other communications products for use on the web
  • Advising management on best use of internet technology to keep site current with evolving standards, and to improve funcionality and accessibility
  • Created an image gallery script in ASP/VBScript, whih was used on the Minister of National Defence’s sub-site.

DND Public Affairs intranet website

Assistant Deputy Minister (Public Affairs)
Department of National Defence

I maintained this intranet website from 2000-2008. In 2006, I redesigned the site to be compliant with the Government of Canada Common Look and Feel, and also to meet web standards in coding and accessibility.

Lucky – or Not?

Lucky - or Not?

2005, DV
My credits: Producer, director, editor, camera

Official Selection - Ottawa Student and Independent Film Festival 2005

Louis Bach is a man who wins every bet he makes. He is recruited into the mafia to place and win bets on horse races. The cops have been tracking the local mob for some time, and they decide Louis is their way to get a man on the inside. Louis is picked up, and promised immunity if he helps bring in the big boss. He’s being used by both the mob and the police, and he realizes his only way out is to start losing. Will his luck change in time to get his life back? Continue reading “Lucky – or Not?”

Canadian Forces Mission boards

Department of National Defence

I designed this series of boards as part of a project highlighting missions the Canadian Forces have participated in over the years (both overseas and domestic). The project included 22 boards and a legend, took over 6 months to complete, and was exhibited on the concourse of National Defence headquarters in Ottawa the week of June 28 – July 2, 2004. The boards now have a permanent home on the walls of the executive floor of NDHQ. Here are some board samples and pictures from the exhibit.

Veterans Week slideshow CD

Veterans Week 2003 CD label

For Veterans Week 2003, the Department of National Defence wanted to put together a photo slideshow on a CD-ROM format. The final CD-ROM slideshow was played on a loop at various DND locations and remembrance events.

I authored the photo slideshow on a CD-ROM auto-play format, and designed the label artwork for the CD.